This guide will show you the entire process for obtaining the Flawless Dream RingIn order to start the quest chain, you will have to acquire Mysterious Gem from Sirothe The Infernal, the final boss in Serpentis.
Gentle Whispers
To complete this step simply speak to Archeologist Jeisson in Rookborne Basin.The Evenbards
Next, you will need to find an Evenbard. They spawn between 20:00 and 8:00 server time in Western/Eastern major cities. These cities are namely, Marianople, Crescent Throne & Golden Fable Harbor for the West and City of Towers, Lutesong Harbor & Caernord for the East. Evenbards can have up to 3 spawn locations per city and may not even spawn in the city each night.The Daru’s Gem
To complete this step, simply speak to Blacksmith Buruli in Halcyona.The Sunken Tome
Dive down the south of Freedich Island to hunt mobs for Dream Ring Creation and return to Blacksmith Buruli to complete and recieve Forgotten Dream Ring, the first stage of the ring. At this point, there will be no active quest in your quest log to lead you to the next chapter in the quest line.The Hand of Fate
Locate Arcane Soul by activating the Sword of Fate in a lava cave in Heedmar. Do remember to keep Forgotten Dream Ring equipped or else you will be burnt to death stepping into the cave. For the actual task, mine Pharaum nodes that are spread thinly across Auroria.The Price of Labor
Head to Growlgate Island and locate Pirate Blacksmith Kamlen. His task will have you head to the cliffside south of the Royal Palace of Ezna in Two Crowns. Glide along the cliff side directly South of the Royal Palace and look for a perch with a bench and a tunnel. Use the item at the bench perched on the cliff and defeat Borm Gaffrion. You will probably need the help of a party for this task.Specialized Equipment
This task will require 100 Star Shard Ingots and 15 Chaos Starshards. Chaos Starshard nodes are scattered around in southern Perinoor Ruins.The Heart of Flame
Head to Askja Crater in Cinderstone Moore to kill an Inferno Elemental. An item is provided to summon the beast. You will need a raid group to tackle this beast. When you kill him combine its heart with the chest provided and head back to complete your Reforged Dream Ring.Fact and Fiction
After you have received your Reforged Dream Ring, head to Ynys Isle located north-east off the coast of Solzreed Peninsula. Once there follow the path up to the shrine to Nui. There you will find Traveler Luke. Luke will send you to find the Book Collector Nachen in Veroe, Hasla on the roof of the temple.Nachen’s Vengeance
Go to Growlgate Island and kill Morpheus the Forsaken. When he’s dead return to Nachen, the quest reward you will receive will have to be crafted into a book via printing press, using the book will open up the next quest.The Hidden Key
After you have repaired the book from the previous quest’s reward this quest will open up. For this part, you are going to have to do the 5 man dungeon Hadir Farm in Ynystere, the key fragment will drop off the last boss. The 2nd Key fragment will require a raid group, you will need to kill Dahuta’s Champion Nazar in the underwater city south of Freedich. Once both halves are obtained you can use them to make the whole key.Delphinad’s Treasure
Now sail out west of Freedich to a small island in the Sunspeck sea to kill the Abyssal Ravager. On the west side of the island there will be a small opening not far under the surface of the water, inside you will find a small cave and in the corner, you will find an object called Dahuta’s Sealstone. Using the key on the sealstone will summon a boss mob that will drop an item that you can turn in to Kamlen on Growlgate.Restoring The Ring
The quest to create your unique level ring is a large gold sink, you need to obtain a conqueror’s gale ring and combine it with the crystal from the previous quest. Next,obtain 125 Topaz, 40 Amethyst, and 125 Emerald and 15 Abyssal Soot which is dropped by Carmila, Lerman and Aunorin Fangbow in Serpentis. Once all of these have been gathered take it to Kamlen for your unique ring.The Man From Auroria
First up you will need to speak to Wanderer Arde in Lavis Karkasse Ridgelands. Following which you will be required to kill 5 bosses and obtain their respective soulgems.Ancient Titan Musperosa: Located in Greater Howling Abyss
Arkanis the Destroyer: Located in Kroloal Cradle
Goretusk the Leveler: Located in Windscour
The Croakfiend: Located in Hellswamp
Prince Riesig the Accursed: Refer to Sunken Ruins Guide
A Protective Potion
You will need diamonds, rubies, sapphires and two quest items: 1 Frostbloom and 1 Snowflake. The Diamonds, Rubies, and Sapphires are self explanatory. To obtain the Frostbloom and the Snowflake you must climb the highest peaks of Rookborne and Trosk Mountain in Lilyut Hills.The Staff of the Archmage
You will obtain a potion when accepting this quest, it is not required to use but it will save you from a hell of a lot of damage from Zaldrane the Enchantress. You will likely need a full raid regardless if you use the potion or not.The Hero’s Path
Kill KrakenKill Hound of Kyrios [Crimson Rift boss]
Kill Hanure the Hunter
Kill Calamitous Vyrava [summoned with 100 Timespace Scroll Scraps]
Kill Anthalon [Crimson Rift boss in Sungold Fields]
The Final Ingredients
To complete the final upgrade of your ring, you will need 100 Sirothe’s True Blood from Sirothe the Infernal, and 100 Crystallized Shadow from Dahuta in Serpentis and Sea of Drowned Love respectively. Finally, you will need to combine an Illustrious Earth Ring with the item provided along with your unique level ring, do this last as your ring will be unusable when combined with the items until turned in. Turn all this into Wanderer Arde to receive the final ring.Special thanks to Grub.
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